Are Russian Blue Cats Rare?

Are Russian Blue Cats Hypoallergenic? Petrapedia
Are Russian Blue Cats Hypoallergenic? Petrapedia from

Russian Blue cats, also known as Archangel Blues, are a unique breed of feline that began in Russia in the 19th century. These cats are known for their stunning blue-gray coats and emerald green eyes. They are also known for their intelligence and independant personalities. But are Russian Blue cats rare?

The History of Russian Blue Cats

The Russian Blue breed originated in the port city of Archangel, Russia in the 1800s. The cats were said to have been brought to England by sailors and then to the United States in the late 1800s. These cats were prized for their beautiful coats and eye color, as well as for their intelligence and loyalty.

In the early 20th century, Russian Blue cats were bred to be more elegant and athletic. They were also bred to have a more triangular head shape and shorter fur. The Russian Blue breed has been recognized by the Cat Fancier's Association since 1912 and is one of the few breeds that has remained unchanged since its introduction.

Why Are Russian Blue Cats So Popular?

Russian Blue cats are popular for many reasons. They are known for their beautiful, thick coats that come in a range of shades of blue-gray. They also have beautiful, emerald green eyes and a gentle, sweet nature. Russian Blues are also known for their intelligence and independence. They are also very loyal and affectionate cats.

Russian Blue cats are also known to be healthy, with a life expectancy of up to 15 years. They are usually low maintenance cats, with minimal grooming needs. They are also known to be good with children and other pets.

Are Russian Blue Cats Rare?

Russian Blue cats are not considered to be rare, but they are still relatively uncommon. They are considered to be a medium-sized breed, with a lifespan of up to 15 years. The Russian Blue is one of the few breeds that has remained virtually unchanged since its introduction in the late 19th century.

Russian Blue cats are popular in many countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, and Europe. They are also becoming increasingly popular in Australia and New Zealand.

Are Russian Blue Cats Expensive?

Russian Blue cats are not considered to be an expensive breed. They typically range in price from $400 to $800. However, some breeders may charge more for Russian Blues with rare colorations or markings.

In addition to the cost of the cat, you will also need to factor in the cost of food, litter, and veterinary care. It's important to remember that Russian Blues are a long-term commitment and you should be prepared to provide them with the best care possible.


Russian Blue cats are not considered to be rare, but they are still relatively uncommon. They are known for their stunning blue-gray coats and emerald green eyes. They are also known for their intelligence and independence. Russian Blue cats are usually low maintenance cats and are good with children and other pets. They are typically priced between $400 and $800, but some breeders may charge more for rare colorations or markings.

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