Everything You Need To Know About Greaterway Ragdolls

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Greaterway Ragdolls Cattery Availale Kittens For Sale! from www.greaterwayragdolls.org

The History of Greaterway Ragdolls

The Greaterway Ragdoll is a relatively new breed of cat, only recently becoming popular in 2023. The breed was first developed in the United States in the late 1990s, by a breeder named Pamela Santoro. Santoro wanted to create a unique cat breed that was both friendly and docile, while still having a striking appearance. She crossed a Persian cat with a Birman cat to achieve her desired look. The result was a large, fluffy, and affectionate cat with a unique pattern of white, black, and grey fur.

Greaterway Ragdoll Characteristics

The Greaterway Ragdoll is a medium to large sized cat, usually weighing between 8 and 15 pounds. They have a long, muscular body, with long legs and a slightly rounded head. Their fur is usually short and silky, and comes in a variety of colors and patterns, including white, black, grey, and even calico. They have large, round eyes that are usually green or blue in color.

Greaterway Ragdoll Temperament

Greaterway Ragdolls are known for their friendly and docile nature. They are a very social breed, and love to be around people. They are also very intelligent, and are eager to please. They enjoy playing and interacting with their owners, and are often very easy to train. They are not usually aggressive or prone to biting or scratching, and are generally considered to be a very low-maintenance pet.

Greaterway Ragdoll Health

The Greaterway Ragdoll is a generally healthy breed of cat, with few known issues. They are prone to obesity, so it is important to make sure they have a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. They should also be taken to the vet regularly for check-ups and vaccinations. As with all cats, they are also prone to hairballs, so regular grooming is important to help prevent this.

Greaterway Ragdoll Lifespan

The Greaterway Ragdoll has a relatively long lifespan, usually living between 10 and 15 years. This can vary depending on the individual cat's health and lifestyle, so it is important to ensure your cat is well taken care of in order to maximize their lifespan.

Greaterway Ragdoll Grooming

The Greaterway Ragdoll is a low-maintenance breed when it comes to grooming. They should be brushed regularly to remove knots and tangles from their fur, and their nails should be trimmed periodically. They should also be bathed occasionally to keep their coat clean and free from debris.

Greaterway Ragdoll Diet

The Greaterway Ragdoll should be fed a high-quality diet that is specifically formulated for cats. They should also be given plenty of fresh water each day. It is important to avoid giving them too many treats, as this can lead to obesity. They should also be provided with plenty of toys and activities to keep them active and entertained.

Greaterway Ragdoll Exercise

Greaterway Ragdolls should be provided with plenty of opportunities to exercise each day. This can include playing with toys, going for walks, or even playing in a cat tree or scratching post. Regular exercise will help keep them healthy and fit, and will also help to keep them mentally engaged.

Greaterway Ragdoll Adoption

Greaterway Ragdolls are available for adoption in many animal shelters and rescue centers around the world. If you are interested in adopting one of these cats, it is important to do some research first to make sure you are getting a healthy and well-socialized cat. You should also make sure to ask the shelter or rescue center about the cat's background and health history before making a decision.


The Greaterway Ragdoll is a unique, friendly, and docile breed of cat that is quickly becoming popular in 2023. They have a long, muscular body, a fluffy coat, and a friendly, easy-going personality. They are relatively low-maintenance when it comes to grooming and care, and can make a wonderful addition to any home. If you are looking for a unique and loving pet, the Greaterway Ragdoll is a great choice.

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