Amazing Facts About Calico Maine Coon Cat

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Calico Maine Coon cats are some of the most beautiful cats in the world. With their gorgeous coats and large size, they make an impressive sight. But there is more to this breed than just their looks. Here are some amazing facts about the Calico Maine Coon cats that you may not know.

Calico Coloration

The Calico Maine Coon has a unique coat pattern that is quite striking. It is a combination of white, black and orange, although some cats may have a more muted color palette. Most Calico Maine Coon cats will have a white base color and then patches of black and orange. This is referred to as the “tricolor” pattern.

Long Hair

The Calico Maine Coon has long hair that is thick and luxurious. The coat is medium to long in length and has a silky texture. The hair is also quite dense and will require regular grooming to keep it looking its best. Regular brushing and combing will help to prevent matting and tangling.


The Calico Maine Coon has a very laid back and friendly personality. They are known to be quite social and love to spend time with their family. They also enjoy playing and chasing toys, as well as exploring and investigating their environment. These cats are also known to be affectionate and loyal to their owners.


The Calico Maine Coon is a relatively healthy breed of cat. They have a lifespan of around 12 to 15 years, with some cats living even longer. They are prone to certain genetic health problems, such as hip dysplasia, heart disease, and polycystic kidney disease. Regular vet checkups and proper nutrition can help to prevent many of these issues.


The Calico Maine Coon is a large breed of cat and can weigh up to 20 pounds or more. They are muscular and have a stocky build, which contributes to their size. They are not considered to be overweight if they are within the normal weight range for the breed.

Activity Level

The Calico Maine Coon is an active breed of cat and will require plenty of exercise to stay healthy. They enjoy playing and exercising outdoors if given the opportunity. They also love interactive toys such as laser pointers and catnip mice. Regular playtime will help to keep them fit and healthy.


The Calico Maine Coon's long hair will require regular grooming to keep it looking its best. Brushing the coat daily and combing it at least twice a week will help to remove any tangles and mats. It is also important to trim the fur around the eyes, ears, and nose to prevent it from getting in the eyes. Regular nail trimming is also important to keep the nails in good condition.


The Calico Maine Coon should be fed a balanced and nutritious diet. It is important to choose a high-quality cat food that is specifically designed for their size and needs. Avoid giving them table scraps or treats as these can cause digestive issues and obesity. Fresh water should always be available for them to drink.


The Calico Maine Coon is a beautiful and unique breed of cat. They are known for their striking tricolor coats and their large size. They have friendly personalities and are quite social. They require plenty of exercise and regular grooming to stay healthy. With proper care and nutrition, the Calico Maine Coon can make a wonderful companion for many years.

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