Cornish Rex And Devon Rex: Different Cats With Similar Looks

Cornish And Devon Rex Cats TheCatSite Articles
Cornish And Devon Rex Cats TheCatSite Articles from

Cornish Rex and Devon Rex are two breeds of cats that are often confused for one another due to their similar looks. The Cornish Rex is a breed of cats with curly fur and a slender body, while the Devon Rex is known for its wavy coat and large ears. Both cats have short hair and are known for their friendly and playful personalities. Although the two breeds look similar, there are a few distinct differences between the two.


The Cornish Rex has a short, curly coat that is often described as a “rexed” or “crisped” coat. The fur is very soft, and the coat is often described as “velvety”. The Devon Rex, on the other hand, has a wavy coat that is often described as “whorled” or “corkscrewed”. The Devon Rex’s coat is also much shorter than the Cornish Rex’s coat. The Devon Rex also has larger ears than the Cornish Rex.


Both the Cornish Rex and Devon Rex have similar personalities, both breeds are known for being very friendly and playful. They are both intelligent breeds and can be easily trained. They are also very social cats and enjoy interacting with their owners and other pets. However, the Devon Rex is known to be slightly more active than the Cornish Rex and may require a bit more exercise and stimulation.


The Cornish Rex is a generally healthy breed, although it can be prone to certain diseases such as polycystic kidney disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The Devon Rex is also a generally healthy breed, but it can be prone to certain genetic diseases such as polycystic kidney disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and hip dysplasia.


Both the Cornish Rex and Devon Rex require regular grooming, including brushing, bathing, and combing. The Cornish Rex should be groomed at least once a week, while the Devon Rex should be groomed every two weeks. Both breeds should also have their nails trimmed regularly. Additionally, both breeds are sensitive to fleas and should be treated with flea preventatives.


The Cornish Rex typically has a lifespan of 12-15 years, while the Devon Rex typically has a lifespan of 10-12 years. Both breeds are known to live longer if they are well cared for and given plenty of exercise.


The Cornish Rex typically costs between $500-$1000, while the Devon Rex typically costs between $400-$800. Both breeds can be more expensive if they have unique markings or colors.


The Cornish Rex and Devon Rex are two breeds of cats that are often confused for one another due to their similar looks. Although the two breeds look similar, there are a few distinct differences between the two, including fur texture, ear size, temperament, and lifespan. Both breeds require regular grooming and are sensitive to fleas. The Cornish Rex typically costs more than the Devon Rex. Ultimately, both of these breeds make great pets for those looking for a friendly and playful companion.

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