Are Burmese Cats Hypoallergenic?

Burmese cat
Burmese cat from

The Burmese is a popular breed of cat, with its striking deep brown coat and beautiful eyes. They are known for their intelligence and affectionate personalities. But, for those who suffer from allergies, the question arises, are Burmese cats hypoallergenic?

The short answer is no, Burmese cats are not hypoallergenic. However, there are some factors that can affect the amount of allergens they produce. For those who suffer from allergies, the best way to determine if a Burmese cat is right for you is to consult with your doctor or allergist.

What Causes Allergies in Cats?

Allergies in cats are caused by allergens in their saliva, urine, and dander. Dander is a protein that is shed from the skin and is the primary cause of pet allergies. It is made up of microscopic pieces of skin, and cats of any breed can produce it. Allergens from cats are also found in their fur, which is why cats with longer hair tend to cause more allergies than cats with short hair.

The amount of allergens produced by a cat depends on its breed, grooming habits, and lifestyle. For example, cats that groom themselves often will shed more dander than cats that do not. Cats that live in an indoor environment will also produce more dander than cats that live outdoors.

Are Burmese Cats More Allergenic?

Burmese cats are not more allergenic than other breeds of cats, but they do produce some dander. They have a thick and dense coat that is designed to keep them warm in cold climates. As a result, they tend to shed more than cats with shorter hair. Additionally, Burmese cats have a tendency to groom themselves more than other cats, which can lead to an increase in dander production.

For those who suffer from allergies, the best way to reduce the amount of allergens produced by a Burmese cat is to keep it well-groomed. Regular brushing, bathing, and nail trimming can help reduce the amount of dander that is produced. Additionally, keeping the cat indoors and away from other animals can also help reduce allergens.

Are There Hypoallergenic Cats?

While there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic cat, there are some breeds that produce less dander, such as the Russian Blue, Sphynx, and Devon Rex. These breeds tend to have a shorter coat and do not groom themselves as often as other cats. Additionally, these breeds produce less saliva, which can help reduce the amount of allergens that are released into the air.

It is important to note that even cats that are considered “hypoallergenic” still produce allergens. Therefore, those who suffer from allergies should still consult with their doctor or allergist before bringing a cat into the home.


In conclusion, Burmese cats are not hypoallergenic, but they can still be a great addition to any home. Those who suffer from allergies should consult with their doctor or allergist before bringing a Burmese cat into the home. Additionally, keeping the cat well-groomed and indoors can help reduce the amount of allergens produced by the cat.

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