Can A Tortoiseshell Cat Be Male?

Rare male tortoiseshell cat attracts 100s wanting to adopt ABC News
Rare male tortoiseshell cat attracts 100s wanting to adopt ABC News from

Tortoiseshell cats are gorgeous creatures, with their distinctive coats of black, orange and cream. It may surprise you to know that these cats are almost exclusively female. The reason is that they have an X-linked pattern of inheritance. In this article, we’ll explain what this means and why it’s so rare to find a male tortoiseshell cat.

What is an X-linked Pattern of Inheritance?

Genetic characteristics are passed down through chromosomes. Each species has a different number of chromosomes, and cats have 19. One of these is the sex chromosome. This chromosome determines the sex of the cat, and is labeled X or Y. Females have two X chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y.

Most inherited genetic traits are linked to the autosomal chromosomes, which are the other 18. However, some traits can be linked to the sex chromosome. If this is the case, it’s known as an X-linked trait. In cats, the tortoiseshell coat color is an X-linked trait.

Why is the Tortoiseshell Coat an X-Linked Trait?

The gene responsible for the tortoiseshell coat color is known as the “tortoiseshell gene”. It is located on the X chromosome, and is recessive. This means that the gene is only expressed when both the mother and father pass it down. This is why female cats are the only cats that can be tortoiseshell.

A female cat with one X chromosome carrying the tortoiseshell gene will have a tortoiseshell coat. This is because the gene is dominant over the other X chromosome. In a male cat, the tortoiseshell gene has no effect because they only have one X chromosome.

What Does this Mean for Male Tortoiseshell Cats?

Male tortoiseshell cats are incredibly rare. They occur when a male cat inherits two X chromosomes, instead of one X and one Y. This is a genetic abnormality, known as Klinefelter’s syndrome. This abnormality is extremely rare, and it’s even rarer for a cat with Klinefelter’s to have the tortoiseshell gene. This is why tortoiseshell cats are almost exclusively female.

What Other Characteristics Do Male Tortoiseshell Cats Have?

Male tortoiseshell cats are usually sterile, meaning they cannot reproduce. They are also often infertile, meaning they cannot father any kittens. This is because they have an extra X chromosome. As a result, they have a higher risk of certain genetic disorders. Male tortoiseshell cats are also generally larger than other cats.


In conclusion, tortoiseshell cats are almost exclusively female. This is because the trait is X-linked, and males only have one X chromosome. However, it is possible for male cats to be tortoiseshell, due to a rare genetic condition known as Klinefelter’s syndrome. Such cats are usually sterile and infertile, and have a higher risk of certain genetic disorders.

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