Eyeless Sphynx Cats - The Adorable, Hairless Felines

Ce chat sphynx avec des tonnes de plis et un air maléfique est en fait
Ce chat sphynx avec des tonnes de plis et un air maléfique est en fait from platsimple.com

Eyeless Sphynx cats are one of the most unique and interesting cat breeds today. Originally bred in the 1960s, these cats are known for their lack of hair and their unique, wide-eyed appearance. They have a wide range of personalities, from outgoing and friendly, to reserved and shy. With the right care and attention, they can be a wonderful companion for many years to come.

What Makes Eyeless Sphynx Cats Unique?

One of the most obvious characteristics of these cats is their lack of hair. This breed is considered hairless because it does not have the same type of fur that other cats have. Instead, they have a thin layer of downy fur, which gives them their unique, bald look. They also have a very distinctive head shape, with their ears set wide apart and their eyes set wide apart, giving them a distinctively wide-eyed look.

What Are Their Temperaments Like?

Eyeless Sphynx cats have a wide range of temperaments. Some are outgoing and friendly, while others can be more reserved and shy. They can be very loving and affectionate, and will often bond closely with their human owners. They tend to be very intelligent, and can learn tricks and commands quickly. They are also known to be quite curious, and love to explore and get into things.

Are Eyeless Sphynx Cats Healthy?

Yes, Eyeless Sphynx cats are generally considered to be a healthy breed. They do not have any known genetic diseases that are specific to the breed, and they tend to have fewer health issues than other breeds. However, they can be prone to certain skin conditions, such as eczema, so it is important to keep an eye on their skin and coat health. They also have a higher risk of developing dental problems, so regular brushing and dental care is recommended.

How Do I Care for an Eyeless Sphynx Cat?

The most important thing to remember when caring for an Eyeless Sphynx cat is that they need to be kept warm. Since they lack fur, they are more prone to getting cold quickly. It is important to provide them with plenty of warm blankets and clothing. They may also require regular bathing, as their skin can become dry and irritated without regular care. Additionally, they should be brushed and groomed regularly to keep their skin and coat healthy.

Do Eyeless Sphynx Cats Shed?

No, Eyeless Sphynx cats do not shed. They don’t have any fur, so there is no shedding. This makes them ideal for people with allergies, as they won’t trigger any symptoms.

Are Eyeless Sphynx Cats Good with Other Pets and Children?

Yes, Eyeless Sphynx cats are typically good with other pets and children. They are known to be very social, and can often be found cuddling up with their human owners or other pets. They can also be quite playful and active, so they can be a great addition to a family. However, it is important to remember that each cat is an individual, so it is important to monitor their interactions with other pets and children to ensure everyone is getting along.

Are Eyeless Sphynx Cats Expensive?

Yes, Eyeless Sphynx cats can be quite expensive. Depending on the breeder, they can range from around $1,000 to as much as $3,000. They also require regular grooming and bathing, which can add to the cost of ownership. Additionally, they may need regular trips to the vet for check-ups, so it is important to factor in these costs when considering adding an Eyeless Sphynx cat to your family.


Eyeless Sphynx cats are an interesting and unique breed of cats. They are known for their bald look and wide-eyed appearance, and have a wide range of personalities. They can be a great companion for many years to come, provided they are given the right care and attention. They can be expensive, but their playful and affectionate nature can more than make up for the cost.

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